Thursday, September 16, 2010


On Thursday September 9th, I had a doctors appointment with the high risk doctors at UT Medical Center. The appointment started out well enough. My blood pressure was 108 over 66, which is good for being pregnant with triplets. My weight was good. Then it was time for the ultrasound, my favorite part. I love seeing the babies! We were looking at one of the babies, when all of the sudden I felt strange. I started to get very nauseous. I asked if I could sip water, which didn't help. Then my hearing started to get funny. It was like I had a helmet on or ear muffs. At this point I realized that I was about to pass out. I had to make the technician stop. I sat up and completely lost my vision. I didn't pass out, but was teetering on the edge of it. The technician went and got a doctor, who knew what was going on. The combination of my low blood pressure and the weight of my uterus, wasn't allowing my brain to get enough oxygen. The lesson learned here is that I can't lay flat on my back for any extended period of time.
After all that drama, the rest of the ultrasound went really well. The babies all looked healthy and they were still two boys and girl. We just wanted to have the double check. They are so cute and already are doing such amazing things.
The doctor came in after the ultrasound to go over the results. He said the babies look great. He said my weight looked good and that I didn't need to supplement my diet with ensure or boost, which I am happy of because neither appeal to me. He then decided that I needed to take a glucose text since of the extra mass from the triplets. He also asked about contractions. I told him I was having a few, but not at any measurable rate. This interested him since my cervix measurements had gone from a length of 5cm to 4cm, so he decided he wanted to put me on the contraction monitor, while I did the glucose test.
So we went to the nurses station and I drank this orange drink and had to wait an hour to get my blood drawn. During my hour wait they put me in a recliner with a contraction monitor on my belly. It was cool to watch the numbers move up and down with my contractions. It was a lot more activity than I expected. At the end of the hour the doctor checked my contractions and said I was in preterm labor, which really surprised me. I just thought they were normal braxton-hicks contractions. He told me that I needed to go on modified bedrest and work would be done until after the babies were born. I was in a bit of shock, because I thought I was doing so well. He put me on motrin every 6 hours to stop the contractions.
The glucose test results came the next day. I tested positive for diabetes, which was another bummer. They wanted me to come in for a more in depth test on Monday.
On Monday they checked the babies to make sure that the motrin therapy wasn't effecting them. It wasn't and they were doing very well. Kayden was hiding behind her arms from the ultrasound probe. She finally moved her arms so we could see her face and gave us a big yawn. When they went to check Kamden's heart, the tech just about had a good position when he flipped around and mooned her. So already we know who the clown is going to be.
At this appointment they did a three hour glucose test (my arms are still recovering from all the pokes.) While waiting in between pricks, they hooked me up to the contraction monitor. The doctors seemed pleased with the results from this test. My cervix had also not shortened anymore. They will check the babies and my cervix again in two weeks, so everyone pray the babies stay healthy and happy.
My glucose came back on Wednesday negative for diabetes...WooWhooo! I can continue to eat a normal diet. That is a huge relief.
I will keep you all updated on the babies and bedrest. Just keep us in your prayers and thoughts. It is really all in God's hands and we trust in him.